Presenter: Jack Boskett

Thu 16 Jan 2025 7:30pm

Our presenter this evening is Jack Boskett.  If you haven't heard of him, please check out his website.  Jack is a photographer from Tewkesbury who started his own professional photography business in 2010 at the tender age of 19. He specialised in railway photography but has expanded his portfolio to include Royal engagements, film recreations, PR and Business, faces from stage and screen etc.

Not sure of his exact presentation this evening - but whatever it is, it's going to be a very entertaining evening!

Jack's website is at

***** REMINDER *****
Tonight is the DEADLINE for entries to our Competition No 4 - Open 
Digital entries can be made by midnight, but Prints need to be handed to the Competition Secretary at the meeting this evening

Cotswold Bowls Club
Golden Jubilee Way