Mick's (first) Musings - September

Date Published 
Sat 28 Sep 2024

Hello Club Members.

This is my first 'Musings' as Chair, which is an honour and a pleasure. It is also slightly daunting because its predecessor (Rogers Report) was always well written, erudite, and entertaining. But as with trying a new type of photography, sometimes you just have to jump right in, so here goes…

The nights are drawing in, and we have certainly hit the ground running with the new season. At time of writing, we have forty paid up members, three of whom are new. And what a season we have in store - Ali has done a fantastic job on the programme, we have many highlights to look forward to.

One of things that has struck me most as a newbie Committee member is how much work gets done behind the scenes to make this club so successful.  Please support your hardworking committee and give your help freely when this is asked for.  A club is nothing without its members, but it would soon cease to exist without dedicated Committee.

A key area of focus for this season is reviewing what we do and how we do it. The objective is changing things to make tasks and admin more streamlined and give members a nicer and easier experience.  Leading this charge are Richard and Kerrin. Between them they have identified Pixoroo as a best-in-class solution for running club competitions; and got it up running in time for the 1st Open competition.  I thought some minor snags did not detract from the competition being very run and enjoyable.   More information to follow in future musings about other 'making life easier & better' changes, and bear with us when the inevitable bumps in the road come along.

Wherever the summer has taken you, I hope your camera went with you, and you captured some images you are pleased with.  I seem to have taken many but done little more with them than save them to my hard drive. Thank goodness for wet weekends - the perfect excuse for closeting oneself in front of a screen and realizing that sometimes you nailed it, and other times you missed an opportunity to get a competition winner.  The club competitions are a great motivator for getting your catalogues sorted and picking out the good ‘uns.  And if you too are busy working through images, do remember the words of Ansel Adams: "There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs”
