Wonderful Prints on Display

Date Published 
Fri 6 Sep 2024

Stroud Camera Club Hosts WCPF Travelling Print Exhibition

The season's opening session at Stroud Camera Club featured the Western Counties Photographic Federation (WCPF) Travelling Print Exhibition. This annual showcase is a highlight of the WCPF Members’ Exhibition, where individual members from WCPF-affiliated clubs submit their best work. Unlike club competitions like DPIC or the Print Competition, this event focuses on individual entries, judged by a panel of three external judges from the PAGB (Photographic Alliance of Great Britain).

The Travelling Exhibition brings a selection of prints from the WCPF Members’ Exhibition, originally held in May 2024 at Uffculme and Seale Hayne, to clubs across the region. This offers Federation members who were unable to attend in person an opportunity to view some of the accepted works.

At Stroud Camera Club, members split into six tables to review 71 images in rotation. Each group offered critiques, with many commenting that they would have been proud to have taken such high-quality images themselves. Since the photographers' identities were unknown, members felt more comfortable offering candid feedback. The exhibition included a diverse range of nature, monochrome, and color prints, with some interesting choices in paper—such as the use of glossy paper for several nature shots.

After the break, members were asked to select their favourite image from the final rotation of images. The split of images across the tables meant this was 2 mono, 2 colour and 2 nature.

"End of the day" copyright Rachel Domleo CPAGB EFIAP

It was probably not surprising that End of the Day by Rachel Domleo, which was the Gold Medal image from the Exhibition was selected as a favourite.

A tranquil seascape captures a lone sailboat drifting through a misty ocean, with soft pastel tones of pink and blue blending into the horizon. In the distance, a faint outline of a mountain looms, adding depth to the composition. The image evokes a peaceful, reflective mood, as the day draws to a close with a calm and gentle glow across the water.

"Winter at the beach huts" copyright Sonya Rogers

A whimsical winter scene features a row of brightly colored beach huts dusted in snow. The huts are arranged in a gentle curve, drawing the viewer’s eye into the image, while the snow falling softly around them creates a dreamlike atmosphere. The pastel tones of the huts stand out against the pale, snowy backdrop, evoking a sense of nostalgia and peaceful winter charm.

"Coils and vases" copyright Heather Bodle

This is a minimalist black-and-white photograph featuring three vases of varying heights. The composition is enhanced by metal coils emerging from the tallest vase, creating an abstract and visually striking form. The simplicity of the monochromatic palette and the soft lighting emphasizes the clean lines and elegant shapes of the objects, creating a serene and balanced atmosphere.

"Towards Tower Bridge" copyright Philip Dean

A dramatic monochrome cityscape shows a striking perspective of Tower Bridge in London. The shot is taken from a modern walkway lined with glass buildings, creating a powerful contrast between the historic architecture of the bridge and the sleek lines of the urban surroundings. The wet pavement reflects the light, adding depth and texture to the scene, while the silhouettes of people walking towards the bridge enhance the sense of movement and life in the city.

Northern Gannets copyright Maxwell Law

This is a captivating portrait of two Northern Gannets, their heads tilted towards one another in an almost intimate pose. The birds’ sleek, elongated beaks and striking blue eyes stand out against the blurred, soft-focus background. The image captures the elegance and beauty of these seabirds, framed in a harmonious and almost symmetrical composition that draws the viewer in.

Cheetah brothers at rest copyright Peter Brisley

A striking monochrome photograph captures two cheetahs resting at the base of a tree. The blurred grass in the foreground and background softens the scene, allowing the viewer to focus entirely on the elegant form of the cheetahs. The use of black and white emphasizes the textures of their coats and the serene yet alert posture of the animals, creating a peaceful, undistracted portrayal of these majestic creatures in their natural environment.

View All the Images

The complete gallery, featuring both print and digital entries, is available on the WCPF website: [Members Exhibition | WCPF](https://thewcpf.com).

Additionally, Stroud Camera Club members Rene Cason and Trish Bloodworth had their works accepted in the digital section of the exhibition, and these can also be viewed online.

Watch out for the 2025 exhibition - details of which will be announced soon.