Summer Club is over - but images can be viewed online

Date Published 
Thu 29 Aug 2024

Summer Club 2023-24 season

What a tremendous summer club we have experienced yet again; a wide range of locations, photo opportunities and most importantly camaraderie.

The British weather tried to play its part, but we did only re-schedule once and even in a complete downpour we had Stroud Camera Club members out and about on location.

A wide range of members attended the various locations, which ranged from very local, Stroud, Hawkwood, Saul Junction, to further afield, including Malmesbury and even Bristol Harbourside.  Of course photographs obtained varied by photographer and many have been put on view in the respective galleries on this website.  Do take a look and enjoy the images on show.

An over-riding sense of friendship comes out of the evenings and we look forward to seeing old friends and new during the coming season.