This made me laugh so much - I'm assuming that you had this in your pocket? If not and you have composited you have done an exceptional job. This fulfills the brief as you have used red as your main subject - but whether by luck or judgement you also have red on the sign, so your eye travels up to locate the roller as being in a real town, and then a red car down the street, so again eye goes down the road so you keep looking around the whole image. A great image - One of my 3 favourites.
This made me laugh so much - I'm assuming that you had this in your pocket? If not and you have composited you have done an exceptional job. This fulfills the brief as you have used red as your main subject - but whether by luck or judgement you also have red on the sign, so your eye travels up to locate the roller as being in a real town, and then a red car down the street, so again eye goes down the road so you keep looking around the whole image. A great image - One of my 3 favourites.