Upload 2-3 'Your Take' images for the Triptychs and Your Take evening on Thu 29 Oct. The source images can be found at:
Use the images that are provided - use the link above to access the files. You are not allowed to introduce any other images into your final piece, but you can of course use all the processing tools at your disposal.
Get creative - use as many images as you like to create a composite. Try your hand at using a texture. Replace a sky. Etc etc etc.......
There are 3 folders that you can obtain your images from. JPEG - this contains the JPEG files which is your start point. RAW - these are duplicates of some of the JPEGS but for those who would prefer to start with a RAW image. Textures, Skies and Birds - these are additional images for you to use as you feel fit to enhance your images.