Your chance to upload up to 6 seasonal images to share and review on our next Zoom Club Night - Thu 14 Jan. Please upload images (longest side not to exceed 800 pixels) no later than 1700 hrs on 14 Jan.
In addition to the review of seasonal images, their will be an opportunity to vote on your favourite Stroud & District competition image.
Are the images supposed to be of winter only or any season?
Winter! This is what it says on the programme:
Full details about how we are going to run this evening will be announced soon. In the meantime, make sure you are ready with up to six of your winter images!
Richard - have tried to upload images of the correct dimension (800px) but it won't allow an upload unless the image is square format - 376px x 376px. Am I doing something wrong ? Cheers.
Hi Nigel. You're not the first to be confused by this "apparent" restriction . There's actually a guide available on the website which explains it all. It's on the "Club" page under the "Some useful How-To Guides" heading but to save you (and anyone else having problems) going looking for it, here's a direct link for you to click on:
Any more problems, please contact me direct. Apologies for the delay in responding but I've been out getting my daily exercise - without the use of either a car or a thermos flask!
Thanks - Richard.
What size, should they be?
Richard, I have seen images are to be 800px. I will do them that size.
Hope things are good with you
Long side should be 800 px - the image does not need to be square (thPugh the thumbnail will be)